Reader Feedback Submission Guidelines
Thank you for choosing to post your comments on this article. Your comments will add depth and diversity to our website and enhance the learning experience for us and for all our readers.
Within 72 hours of your submission, one of our editors will review your post and, if it conforms with the guidelines specified below, will approve it, or parts of it, for publication. We will not revise what you've written, but we do reserve the right to edit it for length and readability.
Your submission becomes the property of and we reserve the right to reprint all or part of your comment.
Submission Guidelines
1) Please refrain from profane, insulting or divisive language. We welcome your critique of the article or of other posted comments, but ask that you do so in a respectful and civil manner.
2) Stay on the subject. The purpose of this forum is to discuss the ideas and issues raised in this specific article and the other reader posts, not to serve as a sounding board for your opinions on other matters.
3) Keep it short. The shorter your comments, the greater the chances that they will be posted. The "Post a Comment" form will only handle submissions of up to 1000 characters. For longer responses, please use the feedback form to send them to our editors, who will then have the option of posting them on this forum.
4) Please take the trouble to check the spelling and grammar of your post. The more readable it is, the more useful it will be to the discussion. Posts written in ALL CAPS will not be posted.
5) As a rule, we do not post comments that reference other websites, nor ones that promote a specific product or person.
6) promotes Torah values and observances. Please ensure your comments are written with the same spirit.
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