Jewish / Hebrew Date Converter
Use this powerful tool to look up any regular / Gregorian calendar date and convert it to its corresponding Jewish date, or vice versa.
Today's Hebrew date is:
Τρίτη, Σσεβάτ 13, 5785 - Φεβρουάριος 11, 2025
Παρασσάτ Γιτρό
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The Jewish calendar starts with the day when Adam and Eve were created (the Sixth Day of Creation). We are now in the eighth century of the sixth millennium (for example, the year 2010 corresponds to the years 5770-5771).
Click here for more on the workings of the Jewish calendar, and the reason why its dates fluctuates relative to dates on the Gregorian calendar.
Click here for more on the workings of the Jewish calendar, and the reason why its dates fluctuates relative to dates on the Gregorian calendar.